Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday, October 17 - Refine a Creative Burst for Submission to Slip of the Pen

In an effort to produce innovative pieces for the literary magazine, please go through your Creative Bursts.  Pick one that you feel is your best.  Refine it, edit it, and then print a copy with your name on it. Give this to me and I will pass them along to Kaitlyn, the literary magazine's editor-in-chief, for submission to Slip of the Pen.

DO NOT assume that your writing is flawless.  Just because you wrote it, does not make it perfect. Always before submitting or publishing a piece of work, proofread your writing and make appropriate changes.  DO NOT submit a piece of writing with mechanical errors.  If you need to do so, have a peer proofread your work before you turn it in to me.

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