Monday, August 11, 2014

Rules and Regulations...Let's Blog

After we have discussed the guidelines for blogging, including the county's Acceptable Use Policy, create your blog.  It SHOULD NOT have your name (at least not your full name in the title).  You need to name your blog.  You can make it creative or you can simply call it Creative Writing I Blog or Creative Bursts.

Creative Bursts (blog entries) are assigned each day at the beginning of class.  The topics vary.  Every student is expected to do a blog on that day's topic.  If you are absent or tardy you are expected to make up the blogs missed.  Blogs can take many forms; you can choose to write a short story around the topic, you can write a poem on the topic, you could write a scene to a play, a song, etc.  The only rules to blogging are: all words, images, links, and inferences must be school appropriate and students must write for the full 10-15 minutes.  You may listen to music using headphones during Creative Bursts.  Volumes must be kept down or the class will lose the privilege.

After you have created and named your blog, you need to do today's Creative Burst. It should be titled by date, so for today's title, your page on your blog will be named "Tuesday, August 12."  Look below for today's topic.

Tuesday, August 12

Describe a day in the life of an animal of your choice from its perspective.  

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