Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday, December 17 -My Final Blog Post

After our final presentations today, I would like for you to take a few minutes to reflect on this semester in Creative Writing.  In a personal letter to me, I would like for you to respond to the following questions.  I will use this information to adjust, modify, and repeat my teaching strategies.   Your letter should begin with Dear Mrs. Pace. Please type this letter in a Word document and print it when you are done.  You do not have to sign your name if you would like to remain anonymous.

I have enjoyed having you this semester.  This was the first time I have taught this class in a computer lab, so I would like your feedback on some technology things as well.  I hope you all have a wonderful, safe, LOVE-filled Holiday Break.  

Thank you for taking Creative Writing,
Mrs. Pace

1.  What was your favorite unit?  Why?
2.  What was your favorite Creative Burst assignment?  
3.  Were the film studies beneficial to you in preparing your mind for writing in a specific genre?  If yes, explain how so.  If no, explain why not.
4.  Which was your favorite film (from what genre)?
5.  What was your least favorite unit and/or assignment?
6.  What could I have done as a teacher to make your Creative Writing experience better?
7.  Did you like working on the computers?  What were the positives and negatives of having immediate access to a computer for this class?
8.  Do you feel like your grade reflects the effort you put into this class?  Do you feel like your grade reflects your writing ability?  
9.  What suggestions do you have for me for future Creative Writing classes?  What units would you like to see in the curriculum that we either did not get to or are not listed on the syllabus?

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