Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday, September 19 - Blog Feedback

Today during Creative Burst time please make comments on at least two peer's blogs.  In your comments, you MUST:

1.  Give POSITIVE FEEDBACK; don't say, "This is great."  You should rather point to something specific and comment on WHY it works in the story.

2.  Give one instance of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM for the author.  This means you need to point to one specific thing that would have made the story better, examples might be:  spelling errors, grammar mistakes, punctuation problems, awkward/unclear sentences, story hard to follow, not enough character or setting development, etc.  

Remember, you want to be honest, but never cruel.  There is always a polite way to point out flaws. Yes, they need to know what they did wrong, but NO, they do not need to feel horrible about themselves after reading your comments.  

**Once you have done this, you MUST send me an e-mail with the links (URL addresses) for the blogs you commented on in class, so that you will receive credit.  

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