Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29 - I'm weirded out...

Have you ever been home alone and felt like someone was in the house with you that shouldn't be? Have walked to your car by yourself late at night?  Have you ever felt like someone was watching you?  Have you ever watched a scary movie and then been truly freaked out?  Think about the emotions, the thoughts, the words, the actions you would use in a scary situation.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - Bad Mistake

We've all made them - big, bad, ugly mistakes.  Some of us continue to make them and others of us choose to learn from our past oopsies.  Think back on a time when you made a big mistake.  Try to remember as many details as you can about the mistake itself, the way you felt afterwards, the way your mistake made others feel, the consequences, etc.  

**Remember when you're done, read and comment on a classmate's blog.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday, September 24 - Endearing Quality

There is something about each of us that makes us enjoyable to be around; it might be your personality, your willingness to try anything once, your quiet spirit, your ability to make people laugh, your smile, your ability to comfort those in need, etc.  Think about what YOU consider to be your most endearing quality.  

Tuesday, September 23 - Strange Fruit

Look at the image and study it.  Describe it....go into detail about the geographical region in which it would be found.  Describe the people who have access to this food.  Describe the climate.  Describe the taste, the smell, the texture, etc.  Give it a name. You can write from an expository perspective if you know what this fruit is; you might choose to do some research.  OR, you can be totally imaginative and make up everything, from the name of the fruit, the place in which it grows, etc.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday, September 19 - Blog Feedback

Today during Creative Burst time please make comments on at least two peer's blogs.  In your comments, you MUST:

1.  Give POSITIVE FEEDBACK; don't say, "This is great."  You should rather point to something specific and comment on WHY it works in the story.

2.  Give one instance of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM for the author.  This means you need to point to one specific thing that would have made the story better, examples might be:  spelling errors, grammar mistakes, punctuation problems, awkward/unclear sentences, story hard to follow, not enough character or setting development, etc.  

Remember, you want to be honest, but never cruel.  There is always a polite way to point out flaws. Yes, they need to know what they did wrong, but NO, they do not need to feel horrible about themselves after reading your comments.  

**Once you have done this, you MUST send me an e-mail with the links (URL addresses) for the blogs you commented on in class, so that you will receive credit.  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday, September 17 - Alphabet Soup

Today is focused on strict rules; and yet, the goal is for you to produce something exciting.  Pick a topic.  Any topic you like....a TV show, a character from a book, your significant other, your parent, a movie, a song, the weather, etc.  Once you've picked your topic, work with the following guidelines to write a "short" short story or poem.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday, September 16 - The Spoon's Perspective

Great writers are able to imagine themselves into any situation, into any character's mind.  It's important to not only create stories with characters like yourself, but it is equally important to create characters that do not resemble you in the slightest. These types of characters are sometimes even easier to write.  Regardless, the only way to write about someone other than yourself, is to be open-minded, to truly step into someone else's shoes, to imagine what his or her life might be like.  

Today, you'll get some practice with a silly way.  Use vivid and appropriate word choice; remember you are stepping into "someone" else's perspective....  

Have fun with it.  Be absurd, be creative, be bold -- be in the moment.  

Friday, September 12, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

Today is going to involve thinking WAY outside the box.  One of my favorite painters is Marc Chagall.  His work is beautiful and yet whimsical; his use of color is one of my favorite aspects of his pieces.  One of his paintings shows up in the film Notting Hill, which stars Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. This film is what brought Marc Chagall to my attention and I have admired him ever since. Something that I have always wondered is what exactly was he thinking when he painted these works?  What inspired them?  Regardless, he's amazing.  In fact, he is considered one of the most successful artists of the 20th century.  

Marc Chagall Biography

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thursday, September 11 - Music Critic

For fun, let's enjoy a song together.  The name of the song is "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People.  Listen and critique.  Be descriptive; site specific lines.  Make clear references to parts of the song that you are critiquing.  A critic never says, "'s an awesome song" or "....that song totally sucks."  They are specific.  More often than not they also talk about what might have inspired the band to write a particular song.  What was going on in their lives?  What was going on in the world? Be creative!  You do not have to research this band, unless you want to do so.  You can make it all up if you would like.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wednesday, September 10 - Blog Addresses

Today there is no Creative Burst.  This is a short class and to allow us time to finish the film and to all you the most time to complete the Wall-E film study, we are skipping the blog today.  I am, however, going to give you a list of the blog addresses for your classmates.  You need to follow them all through your blog page.  If you finish your film study early, please use class time to do this.  You are getting a hard copy and I am loading them here.  

Creative Writing Fall 2014
Class Members’ Blog Addresses





















Tuesday, September 9 - Film Review

Today, let's tie in what we are doing in class, a film study, with the concept of Science Fiction. Really dig in and pretend to be an actual film critic.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Monday, September 8 - America, Fairyville?

We've been paying particular attention to specific elements of science fiction writing.  Today, I want you to think more about the fantasy genre.  

Fairies are some of my favorite fantasy creatures.  I love that they seem to always possess a sort of mischievous quality about them.  Today, you're focusing on a fairy, one you create, but you are placing this fairy in our modern world.  Happy writing!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September - Aliens in Egypt

Once again, today I want you to focus on historical accuracy and science fiction conventions. Remember to pay close attention to details; stick with the correct time period.  You need to also be extremely descriptive when it comes to specifics regarding a foreign species or race.  Paint a clear picture for your reader using precise and vivid words.

Here's the situation:

An alien race makes contact -- with King Tutankhamun in ancient Egypt.  

Do some research, not only about ancient Egypt, but also on King Tut, the climate during his lifetime, the clothing,his accomplishments or lack thereof, his death, the process of mumification....

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - Historical Accuracy

When writing science fiction pieces it is supremely important to do your research.  With that in mind, today's Creative Burst is below.

Situation:  Mass hysteria hits New York City in 1932 after a report of a Martian spotted atop the Empire State Building.  

Before you can write a good story on this prompt you need to do some research, so that your story remains historically accurate.  While adding aliens to a story isn't historically accurate, it doesn't mean the other aspects of the story shouldn't be.  Things to consider:  what does 1930s New York look like?  what technology existed; what technology did not exist?  what are the morals, norms, etc. of the 1930s?  You should even go so far as to research the cars, fashion, music of the time period. It's crucial to have an accurate setting, especially when you are going to throw in "out of this world" elements.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wednesday, September 3 - Newspaper Article Re-write

Today you will be working with the conventions found in either Science Fiction or Fantasy to re-write a current event.  You're going to be printing your work, so please type it in a Word document and then copy and paste your finished copy into your blog.  Be sure you understand the characteristics of the genre you choose and employ those characteristics in your re-write.  

Good luck and may the force be with you!  Ha, I couldn't resist!

Tuesday, September 2 - Intro to Science Fiction and Fantasy

Class visitor - Mrs. Suzanne Sherman
PowerPoint notes intro the two genres

No Creative Burst today.